Xeriscape solutions
Planting today
for a
Greener tomorrow

From concept to construction. We will keep you informed through out the entire project. that way you know what is happening and when it will be done.

The most cost effective and environmentally friendly way to water your plants is with a programmable irrigation system. Whether you need one installed, replaced or repaired. We can do it.


I've been in the landscape industry for over 15 years, doing everything from design to installation to maintenance. I started out pushing wheel barrows of gravel. Today I'm still pushing those same wheel barrows. But I've also made it a priority to seek out education where ever possible, threw classes like smartscapes and good old fashion, hands on field work. I believe that the better educated I am then the better informed you, as the customer will be.
A few pics from over the years

Head Office
For emergency's please call: 520-239-6477
Fill the form below for our Early RainBird Special
1413 North Columbus Blvd #20
Tucson AZ, 85712
email: tucazsnake550@gmail.com
Tel: 520-461-3504 Text: 520-481-6854
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